Learn In-Demand Skills to Start Working Remotely on FLEX Time

without being chained to a desk or your phone all day

You CAN work from anywhere around your lifestyle using skills that online business owners desperately need.

introducing... 90 DAY VA

Your virtual assistant work from anywhere on flex time solution in 90 days or less. You'll learn the TOP SKILLS being hired for virtually, RIGHT NOW so you can get working right away, and how to find legit virtual jobs you can work flexibly around your lifestyle

As seen in...

so sorry!!

Your enrollment window has closed. Keep your chin up! We have some goodies to help you work online while you wait

(and HINT: waitlister's get ALL the early bird perks when we do re-open!)

enrollment opens in...

Learn In-Demand Skills to Start Working Remotely on FLEX Time

without being chained to a desk or your phone all day

You CAN work from anywhere around your lifestyle using skills that online business owners desperately need.

introducing... 90 DAY VA

Your virtual assistant work from anywhere on flex time solution in 90 days or less. You'll learn the TOP SKILLS being hired for virtually, RIGHT NOW so you can get working right away, and how to find legit virtual jobs you can work flexibly around your lifestyle

As seen in...

so sorry!!

Your enrollment window has closed. Keep your chin up! We have some goodies to help you work online while you wait

(and HINT: waitlister's get ALL the early bird perks when we do re-open!)

enrollment opens in...

Business owners NEED people like you, with skills we’ll teach you.

You’ll learn lucrative skills like content repurposing, content marketing, blogging, copywriting, social media management, podcast management, video editing, video management, project management, and more.

In other words, you’ll learn the in-demand skills that business owners are desperate to hire for. The best part -- you don’t have to drive into an office, answer phones all day, get a degree, or pretend you don't have a family around.

gone are the days where we had to choose to stay home with our kids OR have a career. welcome to a new age:


here’s an outline of everything you’ll get


11 MODULES of Esther’s Proprietary System to Shift You Into Virtual Work in 90 Days or Less

($1997 Value)

LIFETIME Access & Updates

($997 Value)

BONUS VA Starter Pack + Templates

($497 Value)

BONUS 6 Months Program Members Only Facebook Group Community Access

($297 Value)

BONUS Exclusive Weekly Job Board with Vetted, Legitimate Jobs

($197 Value)

BONUS Mindset Series to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

($197 Value)

BONUS Monthly Group Coaching Calls

($297 Value)


join 90 Day VA today for only


then just 11 more payments of $97/month billed every 30 days

maybe you’re a...


"I am a mom of 4 and love having the ability to work from home while the kids are playing or asleep. I love being a Virtual Assistant because I love that I can work from anywhere with the schedule I choose. Having this ability is great for a busy mom like me. Virtual assistance gives me the ability to take a day off when someone is ill or if we want to take a vacation."


"My work is as an Executive Assistant but to do this job virtually felt scary to me. Would I be able to do it? What Esther and the Virtual Assistant Internship team have here is something no one else is offering... which is a complete roadmap and getting you matched with your first client. This is a community I am proud to be a part of."


"6 months ago, I had maxed out both my credit cards, I was broke and trapped in a foreign country. I desperately didn't want to give up but I didn't know what else to do. Along came Esther, and she taught me everything I know now. Before I knew it, I was working for new clients. No matter what skills you have or where you live, YOU CAN DO THIS."


plus a military wife

My husband was active duty U.S. Marine Corps, and when we got married and got custody of our son, Ben, I found that it was impossible to use my teaching degree and other career experience when his work was dictating so much of our lives.

As if trying to create a career while constantly moving wasn’t hard enough, parenting alone while my husband was on deployment was impossible.

Even the remote jobs I did find weren’t flexible around our military & family life.

Sitting in traffic AGAIN and crying after dropping my son off before the sun came up for the umpteenth time I realized THIS ISN'T IT.

Life is about MORE.

I quit my job the next day and was determined to make my new dream a reality

I quit my job the next day

and started as a virtual assistant

working around my son's schedule

I was booked out so quickly

and couldn't believe how in-demand this unknown career path was!

My dream was to travel full-time with my family while working from anywhere in the world- so we did!

While I traveled the world with my laptop...

  • Took my agency to six figures

  • Managed a virtual team of 12

  • Increased my hourly rate to $100/hr

  • Paid off all my debt

  • Started mentoring others wanting to be VAs

Up until the recent pandemic forced us to settle awhile and after trying for 2 years, I got pregnant.

But unfortunately after 10 years, things began to unravel in my marriage

and when I was 9 months pregnant I had to ask my husband to leave.

Sooooo I am currently getting divorced.

And Being Able to Earn a Real Income Working Flexibly

From My Laptop as a Newly Single Mom is Why I Share My Story

Because as cool as my "work from the pool in Bali" pics are, that's not what this is actually about.

This is about YOU.

You having your own income you can earn around your lifestyles needs.

For when life runs you over and back again.

So you don't have to miss her first steps.

So you can see your grandparent before they pass away.

For when you realize your marriage is abusive and you need to get out.

These are all real stories

I hear from students every day

Obligatory cool 'work from the pool' pic

Yes, there are real online jobs you can work around your life

and I am here to help you qualify for & then land one.


in university fees just to finish with a piece of paper and no job experience...

You can join the work from anywhere (and anytime) movement RIGHT NOW.

So for $24,000, $3,000, $997...


...you can start your 90 day (or less) journey to learn the hottest online skills being hired for right now

Then just 11 more monthly payments of $97 and voila! No student loans to pay off for life.


That you’ll create in 90 day VA so you can WOW potential clients, gain internship opportunities to practice your new skills in a safe environment PLUS access graduate-only job opportunities from my personal connections!

Hear from some of our past students!

here’s everything you get…

For just $97, you can start your 90 day (or less) journey to learn everything you need to know to start working online on flex time. Plus, remember we also support you as you build your experience along the way!

Then just 11 more monthly payments of $97 and voila! No student loans to pay off for life.

90 Day VA

Learn the Most Lucrative, In-Demand Skills Needed in the Virtual Job Market

Module 1 & 2: How to Work Online for Others Effectively

Module 3: Content Repurposing & Content Marketing

Module 4: Blogging and Copywriting

Module 5: Social Media Management

Module 6: All About Instagram

Module 7: Mastering Pinterest as a VA

Module 8: Podcast Editing & Management

Module 9: Video Editing & Management

Module 10: Lite Email Marketing

Module 11: Lite Web Management for VAs

VA Starter Pack (value $497)

Everything You Need to Take Your Skills & Land the Online Job of Your Dreams

VA Starter Pack: How to Best Work Online With Business Owners From Start to Finish!

Bonus Class: How to Use the Templates We Give You With Business Owners

Bonus Class: How to Network Effectively to Find Jobs

Bonus Class: How to Create Your Application Kit + Remote Resume

Bonus Class: Preparing Your Instagram To Get Clients

Bonus Class: Using Instagram Stories to Find Clients

Bonus Class: How to Move a Business Owner From Consultation to a Paid Gig!

Bonus Class: How to Price Your Services

Bonus Class: How to Get Paid Virtually

Bonus Class: Taxes & Health Insurance for Virtual Workers


Contracts Template + How to Use Class!

Client Onboarding Template!

Pricing Calculator!

Application Kit Template!

Ultimate Guide of Where to Find Flex Online jobs eBook!

VAI Members Club Access

EXCLUSIVE Monthly Job Board and the Community Support You Need to Succeed Fast

1 month included in our members club!

40-60+ monthly online jobs EXCLUSIVE for members

Private online community to keep you motivated and accountable

2 monthly group QA calls hosted by the mentors

2 monthly group live "get shiz done" calls hosted by the mentors

Monthly workshops with industry experts

You are invited to continue membership thereafter with an optional annual or monthly maintenance fee of $199/y or $49/mo. This is separate from course access which never expires.

Wondering what happens when you join the 90 Day VA family?

Watch the video above for a behind-the-scenes sneak peek!

don’t just take it from me...


“Not just in the cheesy, cliche way people always say it, but in a painfully honest way... I managed to go from working for abusive and manipulative bosses to living in Bali and traveling full-time while supporting both myself and my partner. I gained invaluable skills,

made lifelong friends, and learned so much about who I am. My story isn’t special, and I am not lucky; I just put in the elbow grease necessary because I knew I wanted to look back and be proud of myself 5 years from now."

The course has been SO amazing! 

"I knew a lot of the basics from running my own blog and Instagram, but once I dove into the course, Esther immediately taught me that running my own blog or social media account is totally different from working for someone else. Everything in the course had amazing value and taught me something I didn't know (even though I thought I knew everything). Esther teaches in such a straightforward way so that there is NO confusion. I haven't even finished the course yet and I already have 3 clients! I know that if I ever get stuck, I can go back to the videos and review, OR I could post in the private Facebook group for support."

I got my first client a month in

"Just by mentioning that I'm doing a VA training course!

I have since got another client that I do blog writing for. I've also increased my prices after support and advice from Esther, Deya, and the other course members! The course has changed my life and given me so much freedom, independence, and flexibility to create the life I want to live!"


Being cool as a cucumber when your kids wake up puking because you don’t have to try to find childcare or lose your job for missing work for the millionth time

Moving and never having to quit your job ever again

Being able to finally buy that amazing flash sale flight package and dropping everything to go on an epic  adventure whenever you want

Being 100% in charge of your income - need extra money? Work more! Want to make more money? Give yourself a raise!

Working from wherever you want that day, the park, cafe in the city, a pool in Bali...the choice is yours!

Keeping all of the money wasted on hours and hours of daycare for your children or commuting to work

Having a career and work you LOVE to do every single day


design a life on their own terms

Now, I know what you might be thinking… what makes this course any different? For starters, I am a real actual person. A single Mom doing her best to help as many people as possible transition into a remote career they can maintain when life gets crazy. This program is created with the EXACT things I did when I got started in the virtual assistant world PLUS what business owners I consult with constantly need to hire for.

There is SO MUCH VIRTUAL WORK using the skills we teach. From coaches to service providers, online business owners need skills YOU CAN LEARN and I can teach you. Nobody else is teaching these specific lucrative and high-demand skills in a way that prepares you for VA work in 90 days or less. And do you think other courses give you a monthly job board? Forget about it!

On top of that, we consistently update this course to give you the most up-to-date information… No one else gives this kind of extensive, actionable, and practical training so you can go from “normal” life to that VA-do-things-on-your-own-terms life.

TONS of people that have already completed our program are now running successful virtual careers around the world.

Will you be our next success story?

“I don’t know how to do any of these things and I don’t have any experience or a degree”

That’s the BEST part of this program. We teach you everything you need to know, no degree required. Then we  help you build a solid portfolio with work samples and provide internship opportunities to practice and gain experience as you go. Most of our students are already working before the 90 days are through.

“I am so busy. I don’t think I can fit a program  like this into in my already crazy schedule”

“I am so busy. I don’t think I can fit a program like this into in my already crazy schedule”

Yeah I know, I get it. Remember, I am a mom, too. The great thing about our program is that it’s self-paced so you can just do 3-5 hours a week if you want and still be done in the 90 days. 

We also have specific learning tracks as options for those that are busy and want something more streamlined so they can start working right away. Plus, we hold you accountable to complete everything with monthly group calls and a community that is there to fully support you.

“but I already have some online skills? I don’t need an entire course on this?”

I designed this course specifically based on what real clients were asking me to do in their businesses everyday: it’s called “my proprietary system” because it truly is! But even if you DO already have some fab online skills, then you can jump right to the VA Starter Pack + job board and use all our templates to get further than you ever have before!

“I have kids...I don’t speak English as my first language...I am not from the US...I am too old...will this work for me?”

We have successfully gotten students from around the world and all walks of life through this program and working online in 90 days or less, you can totally do this too! With that being said, basic computer knowledge + above average English is required to be able to do this program.


90 day va includes...

MODULE 1 + 2:

How to Work Online

for Others Effectively

Immediately you’ll learn what exactly you need to do to get started and offer some online skills to clients right away!


Content Repurposing & Content Marketing

These are the top requested skills we get asked for so we start there!


Blogging &


How to write an SEO blog for a business owner (NOT the same as a personal blog!)


Social Media Management

This is one of the most popular services out there, so we want you to understand everything from the very basics and beyond.


All About Instagram

Instagram is such a popular tool, so we keep this module updated regularly. Tools change fast and we keep you prepared!!


Mastering Pinterest as a VA

With it being such a common platform for bloggers, designers, and e-commerce, you'll learn how to help clients grow their businesses using Pinterest.


Podcast Editing & Management

Hottest new VA skills changing the game for our members: How to edit audio, make all the graphics, write the show notes and upload for a business owners podcast!


Video Editing & Management

But it doesn’t stop there! Now turn those raw videos into an incredible YouTube worthy video for business owners with your new editing skills!


Lite Email Marketing

Learn how to turn content into email newsletters, campaigns, and email copy clients will love + the most popular email management tools in the online business


Lite Web Management for VAs

How to help clients with their top requested monthly web maintenance needs - no coding required!


(or faster if you want to start asap)

you will be working virtually for clients around the world, on your own time. It's time to design your own life. I put everything you need into one program so you can make real money online, being paid by the hour or project, in just 90 days.






(because everyone loves goodies!)

I have some EXCLUSIVE bonuses I am going to throw in that are  worth even MORE than the program alone!

VA Starter Pack (value $497): 15+ video classes to help you find and land every virtual job you ever wanted (and what the heck to do once someone says YES)! Includes proprietary templates for contracts, client onboarding, and an application kit you can edit and use right away.

1 Months’ Private Community + Job Board Access (value $297): Get access to 40-60+ exclusive online jobs from Esther’s network, members hiring other members and hot jobs our team scours the internet for on your behalf! Plus 4 monthly group calls, plus the accountability and support from other women you need to rock the online work life


and are always helping and supporting each other

okay but here’s the thing.... if you want to just fill out surveys or post on Facebook that you have weight loss shakes for sale then this program isn’t for you. This is only for those that are GO-GETTERS, the ones that are determined to create your dream life using skills that will last a lifetime. This is only for people that are willing to JUMP IN and run with us because you never ever want to be broke again, trapped in a job you hate, scrambling to find a sitter when your kid is sick because you HAVE to go into work, or paying half your salary to a daycare.

This is for those of you who are COMMITTED to creating your dream life

to recap: that is over


ON TOP of the complete 90 Day VA program!

For only $147 today, you can launch your work from anywhere career, for real this time. Or save $85 and pay in full at $797.


and design a life on your own terms in 90 days or less

The next 90 days are going to come and go either way. The question is -- will you use them to stay committed to how things are right now -- the job that sucks, the expensive childcare, the long hours at work, the lack of financial security...

Or will you use these next 90 days to commit to building your dream life?

If your gut said “dream life!!” - give yourself a high five and click the button below. In 90 days or less you could have your first few clients and all the skills you need to add on as many as you want, working when you want, where you want, and how you want.



Tweleve Payments - Billed Monthly



One Time Fee - Save $167 vs the Payment Plan

Your enrollment window has closed. Keep your chin up! We have some goodies to help you work online while you wait

(and HINT: waitlister's get ALL the early bird perks when we do re-open!)

enrollment opens in...


walk this journey with you.

It’s my life’s mission to help as many women as possible design a life they love.

Remember, I am not special. So if me and thousands of others can do it… why not you, too?





walk this journey with you.

It’s my life’s mission to help as many women as  possible design a life they love. 

Remember, I am not special. So why not you, too?

xoxo esther

Please view our Frequently Asked Questions Here

Copyright © 2021 • ONLINE COURSE QUEEN LLC • A Virtual Assistant Internship Brand • All Rights Reserved • 521 COLLEGE STREET, ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 •

Phone: (828) 623-9183


Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying program members of 90 DAY VA. Their results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back.